Monday, December 29, 2008


Alhamdulillah kita dah masuk 1 muharam 1430 based on Muslim's calender. So i woke up late today because I'm having trouble with sleeping. So since i got that porblem i decided to watched some movies and i'm glad that i enjoyed it=). Lets talk about the day before this.well I had an accident and it cosst me rm600 and some part of my body is hurt really bad. and I went to Kajang to settled it everything and after that I have no where else to go i decided to dropped by to see my friend, hazelin and in there I meet Raja from Kepong and we had agood time although i'm a bit exhausted. after meeting them,i went to murni to see Aishah,Anis and Zai and from there we went to Montels for shishah.and after that Najee came out with bad idea,he want to see 'Bapok',transexual shit it,'rumah merah'(that was actually Man's idea).but hey i did enjoyed it and seriously i dont know why i cant control myself seing chicks selling their own body(only hot chicks not KELING TAMBI BUSUK PUKI BAU KARI!!!). ahahahaha aish bosan actually

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