Wednesday, April 8, 2009

I'll hope my love can blind you

Well i think im in love but i'm totally confused with my status right now and shit always happened right?hm... except Im no rich,educated like her so what should i do now?that right just do nothing pretend that everything is okay pretend like I'm a rich world with perfect smile that can light out the darkness. NO I AM NOT THAT KIND OF PERSON OKAY!!! Fuck Martha steward fuck Paris hilton but i do like her I hated when people trying their hard to be perfect which is they're not actually perfect.Nobodies perfect. Arghhh. back to the story, I met her in FACE2FACE party which is organized by Facebook at Hartamas...... you know what, i should stop telling you all this. go and finguredout the story .

i miss you tot.

Thursday, April 2, 2009


Meninggikan suara atau membuat ibu bapa takut adalah dosa besar dan dikategori sebagai anak derhajka.dan aku salah seorang anak derhaka itu.dari kecik sehingga besar ibu aku menjaga aku dengan pernuh kasih sayang,menjaga semasa sakit akhirnya ini kali pertama aku melihat dia menangis dengan teruk sekali. Aku berdosa kerana meninggikan suara kepada ibu aku dan membuat ibu aku menangis. Punca akibat ayah aku yang tidak reti menjaga mulut dan sering aku dan dia akan bertengkar dan hari ini pertengkaran antara aku dan ayah aku berubah menjadi tegang dan aku bertindak di luar kawalan dengan memusnahkan harta mak aku dan paling penting menhancurkan hati dia apabila anak kesayangan dia sanggup menengking dia. Aku bukanlah seorang yang berpelajaran dan aku tidak sekaya seperti orang lain dan aku sendiri tidak pernah merungut dan sedaya upaya ingin mencari sesuatu yang boleh buat ibu aku gembira tetapi ayat ayat dia tadi membuat ahti aku sakit dan hancur berkecai. Sumpah demi Allah nerakalah tempat aku. Aku tak layak melangkahj masuk syurga walau diampun sekalipun kerana dosa aku seluas lautan dan aku ibarat kayu dimakan api. Aku tak dapat bayangkan apabila aku meninggalkan dunia ini bagaimana seksanya hidup aku dineraka nanti yang sedang menunggu aku. Aku redha Allah maha Pengampun tetapi aku tetap tak dapat menerima apa yang berlaku tadi dan aku memohon kepada NYA untuk mengampunkan dosa ibu aku dan aku sedaya upaya meminta ibu aku untuk telefon polis untuk menahan aku tetapi apa yg ibu aku buat adalah menyuruh aku tidur dan menenangkan aku.aku tak dapat terima segala kerosakan aku buat lebih daripada jumlah gaji mak aku tetapi apa yang paling tak ternilai ialah kehancuran hati ibu dan setitik air mata ibarat satu nyawa aku di neraka. Ya Allah Ya Tuhan ku sesungguh aku bukanlah hamba MU yang kuat beriman kepada MU,aku memohon kepada Mu, Ya Allah ampunilah dosa ibu aku dan berikan mereka(keluarga aku ) kehidupan yang lebih baik dan jika ini adalah jalan yang boleh membuat mereka bahagia,aku sanggup pergi dahulu sebelum mereka.Ya Allah Ya Tuhanku, aku berdosa padaMU Ya Allah,neraka tempat ku,aku tak layak jejak syurgaMU walau diampun sekalipun, aku adalah tikus yang merosakkan segalanya termasuk kebahagiaan keluarga aku,KAU panjangkan umur ibu aku Ya Allah.Amin...

he's back=D

and so im back and brought new kind of attitude which is i dont even know what is wrong with me and thanks to David and Najee and the other s for spending some time in the gym although i'm not a good trainer but when seeing you guys happy i feel more comfortable than before. Yesterday me and Ilyas went to One Utama for shopping and ilyas got his pant and shirts and me got myself sweater and shirt. and suddenly Aiman ask us to go out to meet him in there and guess what,he already got himself a brand new car GOLF GTI. Well I'm happy for him but then something bad really happen to me i started to get this pain and ended up to go home and have a good rest.and now i'm awake and happily that all my missery have gone. Alhamdulillah. and Najee i read your blog and work harder if you want something and goes to Ah Ying a.k.a Anthony if you want something then you have to fingured it out yourself and be gentle to you-know-who. Damn,kan best if ada kereta best boleh kalahkan aiman.Although that car is for her sis but he'll get the same car except dah modified everything including the engines and all stuff.PERGI MAMPOS KAU ZAI AND THE GANG AHAHAHHA TGKLAH ONCE AKU DAPAT KERETA BARU SUMPAH AKU SHOW OFF KAT DEPAN KAU BAGI SEGALA KETURUNAN KAU BERBADI.JANGAN JOLOK SARANG TEBUAN KALAU KAU TAKNAK SAKIT. ahahahhaa. Najee gotr his car back.ahahahah suka dia.=)

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

start a brand new life

I am useless and jobless and I still haven't do anything until now. I'm hesitate about my future. Maybe its time for me to remind myself that I should do something for a living. My uncle offer me a job,working with him as a advertising.Good salary and good job except his office located at Batu Cave. I'd liked to work with him but right now i don't think i can because i don't have any transport to go there. stop thinking about money lets start thinking about my education, seeing my friends busy with their assignment makes me wanna study back like before. I shouldn't quit from colleagues before this.I am so stupid and idiot. Once again,i have no future.




and lonely...


Takde benda nak diceritakan but lately i've been seing a 'thing' really strange and i had a nightmare. tak tahulah nak cakap camana but InsyaAllah semua akan okay.

Monday, March 9, 2009

perdition and penury

Sunday is the best day ever although is a tiring day but i did had fun with them. I woke up in 10am and get my ass ready for new day. I supposed to go to my cousin's house but everything spoil my mom suddenly left me alone with my dad and i decided to not going with them and stayed at home.Najee online and we kinda bored so we decided to go to One Utama.Ilyas busy with his assignment ,i didnt forgot about Aiman but then I dont have credit that time plus I thought he was going back to Kelantan that day. We went for burger in Burger King then going for a movie. Anis and Zan was there and so was Dinie(except he was in Italianese celebrating his friends birthday part i guess). We watched 'Marley and me".Its a good and sad movie. Its about a labrador dog. after movie,me and najee went to his house because he need to feed his cat. After feeding,we fetch Aiman meet up Anis and Zan at Murni.Ilyas is on his way to murni too. bla bla bla meatballs nyumnyum sedap budak bising pasla rantai,to be continue...

Thursday, March 5, 2009

10 ten: Most corrupted country in Asia

Well I have to admitted that Malaysia is one of most corrupted country and full with crisis that never end. But then Philippines still lead in the top ten.well, i cant say anything about it. Its clearly says that Philippine is the worst country in Asia and I can prove it to you.

The impact of corruption continues to grow in the following Asian countries.

This year, corruption in most of the Asian countries isn't getting much better and, indeed, in some of the countries is intensifying--affecting virtually every aspect of life among people. International watchdog
Political and Economic Risk Consultancy queried expatriates in 13 Asian countries and territories, and classified 10 countries as the most severely corrupt countries in Asia.

corrupt asian countries

In the poll, the higher the score, the less corrupt the country. Tied for No. 1 this year, with a “score” of 9.4 is Philippine, followed closely by Indonesia and Thailand. At the bottom, with a score of 1.20 is Singapore, which is also one of world's least corrupt countries.

Ranking of Corruption in Asian Countries:

corrupt asian countries

1. PHILIPPINE(菲律宾) 9.40

Expatriate businessmen in Asia perceive the Philippines as the most corrupt country in the region. Nearly $2 billion dollars, or roughly 13 percent of the Philippines' annual budget, is lost to corruption in the country each year, according to the United Nations Development Program.

Its judicial system is believed to be ineffective at prosecuting and punishing individuals for corruption when abuses are uncovered. Local corruption monitors confirm that graft and bribery in the Philippines remain rampant. Corruption has penetrated every level of government, from the Bureau of Customs down to the traffic police officers who pull over motorists to demand bribes.

2. Indonesia (印尼) 8.03

Not only on Asia's top 10 list, Indonesia has also been categorized as the number 5 of the 96 most corrupt nations in the world. In the past two years, Indonesia has lost more than $2bn due to corruption.

Former president Suharto, as the most corrupt political leader in the world in the past 20 years, has ruled this country with an iron fist for more than three decades. All the leading candidates have made fighting corruption a central theme of their campaigns but none have been clear on how they will solve the problem.

3. Thailand (泰国) 8.03

The Problem of corruption has been around for a long time in Thailand and its roots are deep in the culture - While huge amounts of money will be lost during the implementation of projects due to corruption, more will be lost while trying to fight against it and stop it.

Thailand’s ex-Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra has used very rough methods to control the media, which should be one of the most powerful watchdogs against corruption.

4. Vietnam (越南) 7.54

A country where its light-fingered bureaucrats cream off at least 20% of infrastructure spending. Corruption has been identified as one of the government's main challenges.Vietnamese is now battling corruption at all levels.

5. India (印度) 6.67

Corruption happens because they have a system that allows such corruption to flourish. It's a country that as high as 62 percent of citizens think that the corruption is not a hearsay, but they in fact had the firsthand experience of paying bribe or “using a contact” to get a job done in a public office.

It is not anymore confined to politicians or the government machinery alone. It is prevalent amongst almost every section of the society at every level.

6. Korea (韩国) 6.30

Since the financial crisis of 1997, Korea’s image was radically changed from a model developmental state with good governance to a country with rampant corruption and cronyism.

7. China (中国) 6.29

Corruption in China became increasingly serious during the early period of its social transition, resulting in severe economic losses and huge challenges to China’s government institution, as well as gradually becoming socially widespread.

Bribery has become the main accusation of corruption against China’s senior officials. it was found that the spouse (usually the wife) and the child played an important role in senior officials’ acts of corruption. Also, corruption cases have shown that having a “love affair” often coincided with the first steps of corruption.

8. Malaysia (马来西亚) 6.25

When we say money politics, people don’t get the real picture; it is nothing but bribery and corruption. It is buying votes to get elected to the leadership of UMNO, the dominant party in the Barisan National that rules the nation.

9. Taiwan (台湾) 6.23

Taiwan's problem lies in its own history. Taiwan was a notoriously violent and lawless frontier society. Since the government could not control its tough citizens, it granted them official titles to sustain the fiction of central control. Local government by gangsters, vastly preferable in the eyes of the Taiwanese to no government at all. Here we have local "muscle" being used to gain access to political and economic spoils which are used to legitimize community standing.

10. Macau (澳门) 5.11


11. Japan (日本) 2.10

Asia's 3rd least corrupt country. Since the years of the bubble economy and the ensuing economic and political turmoil after the bubble burst, political corruption in Japan has become a major concern for the general public, the most recent case is Abe cabinet's scandals.

12. Hong Kong (香港) 1.87

Asia's 2nd least corrupt country.

13. Singapore (新加坡) 1.20

One of the least corrupt nations on the world. Known for strictly constraint of its government officials.

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